

All-Natural Homemade Floor Cleaner

All-Natural Homemade Floor Cleaner

When we moved into our new house a couple months ago, I was so excited to not see one single inch of carpet in the whole place! Not the living room, not the bedrooms, nothing – woohoo! I hate carpet. It stains easily, it holds on to dust and hair, and it’s just a pain to clean. So the new laminate wood floors at the new place made me very happy!

But with my new-found excitement, came some new-found stress as well, since our dark-coloured floors now showed EVERYTHING. From the dust, to the hair, to the little areas of smeared, dried up baby drool (yes, nasty…I know), to the fingerprints…ughh, I was going crazy!

I initially tried my all-purpose cleaner, which is just a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water with some essential oils – seriously, it’s a great all-purpose spray for everyday, quick clean-ups and wipe-downs. But unfortunately, it didn’t give me the results I wanted; although it did clean the floors, it left a lot of streaks, which wasn’t so pretty.
all natural homemade floor cleaner.

Then I found this recipe which mixes equal parts water, vinegar, and alcohol, with a few drops of dish soap. Ahh, Eureka! The alcohol helps create that streak-free shine because it evaporates so quickly, and the dish soap gives it some extra grime-fighting oomph! After testing out a small area, I was in love. I proceeded to clean the ENTIRE house in one go – yep, that’s how happy I was. I was so proud of my gleaming laminate floors, I literally couldn’t stop smiling Even the hubby noticed how clean and shiny they were, and he never notices that stuff – so I took that as a huge compliment!


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