

4 Common Foods That Kill 15 Million People Per Year

4 Common Foods That Kill 15 Million People Per Year

The most dangerous diseases that cause death are caused by eating industrial diet. It is seen that those who eat non-industrial diet are not at all prone to such diseases. This shows that what we eat is completely unhealthy and contributes to the damage of health. So all of us should know what's healthy for us and what's not. 

Here are the 4 common foods which are the worst by far and should be avoided:

1. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup 

Added sugar contains empty calories which means ample of energy without minerals and vitamins and so it is not healthy for you. You may find strong statistical associations between sugar consumption and obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer due to its harmful effects on metabolism. Moreover, added sugar contributes to weight gain and obesity. Drastic increase in insulin is also caused by added sugar. Therefore, added sugar because of its high fructose content may cause many features of the metabolic syndrome and is responsible for serious diseases. 

2. Trans fats 

These are the unsaturated fats which are chemically modified to be solid at room temperature. Also known as a hydrogenated fat, their manufacturing process is totally absurd which requires hydrogen gas, high heat, lots of pressure and a metal catalyst. It can cause various harmful effects in the body as our body cells don’t know what to do of them. Trans fats raise small, dense LDL cholesterol, lower HDL, increase fat in the abdominal cavity, leading to inflammation and insulin resistance. So, if you read hydrogenated anywhere on the product, don’t eat it as they are responsible for the major hazardous diseases. 

3. Industrial seed and vegetable oils 

These oils are extracted from various seeds and the extraction method is so complex which involves high heat, pressing, bleaching and the toxic solvent hexane. The problem associated with these oils is that they contain massive amounts of Omega-6 fatty acids, but we need to consume Omega-6s and Omega-3s in a certain balance. Things start to go wrong when we take Omega-6 fats. As per studies, intake of Omega-6 in the bloodstream directly correlates with the risk of cardiovascular disease and many other diseases, including cancer, fatty liver disease, depression and altered immune function. So in order to stay healthy start avoiding these oils and consume more of coconut and olive oils which are healthy. 

4. Wheat – Including “heart-healthy” whole wheat 

Whole wheat is usually mistaken as healthy food. It contributes to cause many diseases. The main reason is that wheat contains large amount of protein called gluten. People who are gluten sensitive mount an immune response in the digestive tract when they consume it. This can damage the lining of the intestine and cause pain, stool inconsistency, bloating, tiredness and other symptoms. It is high in phytic acid, a substance that binds important minerals and prevents them from being absorbed. Consumption of wheat can also increase the risk of heart disease. So you must avoid it for a healthy life.



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