

Your Body Needs Saturated Fat

A Truth That May Be Hard to Accept; Your Body Needs Saturated Fat!

"I used to suffer from severe anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, digestive disorders and more. It wasn't until I took control of my own health and began studying about proper nutrition that I discovered the food I had been eating was all wrong! My body was nutrient deficient and once I started eating nutrient-rich foods, like those that come from fat, that is when my body began to heal...

Are you fat deficient?

Have you avoided butter or other foods you know contain saturated fat only to find that:

You have either gained weight or can't lose the extra pounds?
You suffer from low energy?
You experience cravings for fatty processed foods like chips, doughnuts, and ice cream?
You feel hungry again almost right after you just finished eating?
You suffer from anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, digestive disorders or hormonal imbalances?
If you said yes to any of these questions, you may be suffering from a dietary fat deficiency.

You might think you are making a better choice for your health because you used vegetable oil in your baking instead of butter, but you can actually negatively impact your health by doing this. Your body needs fats for countless bodily functions..."


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