

Acne - Causes, Prevention and Treatment

                        Acne - Causes, Prevention and Treatment

What Is Acne?

Your skin has tiny holes called pores that that can become blocked by oil, bacteria, and dirt. When this occurs, you may develop a pimple or “zit.” If your skin is repeatedly affected by this condition, you may have acne.  Although acne is not a life-threatening condition, it can be painful, particularly when it is severe. It can also cause emotional distress.Fortunately, there are effective treatments for this condition that reduce both the number of pimples you get and the chance for scarring to occur.

What Causes Acne?

1.Too much oil or sebum is being produced by the follicle

2.Dead skin cells are accumulating in the pore

3.Bacteria has built up in the pore

4.An overabundance of oil, a pore clogged by dead skin cells, and bacteria all contribute to the development of pimples. A zit appears when the bacteria grows in the clogged pore and the oil is unable to escape.

How Can Acne Be Prevented?

It’s difficult to prevent acne. However, you can take some steps at home to help prevent acne following treatment. These include:

1.Washing your face twice a day with an oil-free cleanser

2.Using an over-the-counter acne cream to remove excess oil

3.Avoiding makeup that contains oil

4.Cleaning the skin thoroughly before bed, including removing makeup

5.Showering after exercising

6.Avoiding tight-fitting clothing

How Is Acne Diagnosed and Treated?

If you have symptoms of acne, your doctor will be able to confirm a diagnosis by examining your skin.

At-Home Care

1.Leaning the skin daily with a mild soap to remove excess oil and dirt

2.Regularly shampooing your hair and keeping it out of your face

3.Not squeezing or picking pimples, as this spreads the bacteria and excess oil

4.Avoiding hats or tight headbands

5.Avoiding touching your face

6.using makeup that is water-based or labeled as “noncomedogenic” (not pore-clogging)


These active ingredients include:

1.Benzyl peroxide: present in many acne creams and gels, used for drying out existing pimples and preventing new ones

2.Sulfur: a natural ingredient with a distinctive smell that is found in lotions, cleansers, and masks

3.Resorcinol: a less common ingredient that is used to remove dead skin cells

4.Salicylic acid: often contained in soaps and acne washes

Topical creams like retinoic acid or prescription strength benzoyl peroxide are often stronger formulas of over-the-counter treatments. These work to dry out the skin and reduce oil production. Women with hormonal acne may be treated with birth control pills or spironolactone. These medications seek to regulate the hormone-causing acne. Isotretinoin (Accutane) is a vitamin A-based medication that is used to treat certain cases of severe nodular acne. It has serious side effects, and is only used when all other treatments have failed.

Additional Treatments

Your doctor may recommend additional procedures to treat severe acne and prevent scarring. Many of these work by removing damaged skin.

1.Photodynamic therapy: also known as laser treatment, uses light pulses to remove the top layer of skin

2.Dermabrasion: removes the top layer of skin with a rotating brush

3.Chemical peel: an aesthetician applies a chemical to your face which essentially burns the top layer of skin. That skin later peels off to reveal less damaged skin underneath

Your doctor may suggest using cortisone injections if your acne consists of large cysts. Cortisone is a steroid naturally produced by the body. It can reduce inflammation and speed healing.



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