

6 Effective treatments for Back Pain

6 Effective treatments for Back Pain

 Back pain has become a recurring issue for many people's life. As the cause of back pain vary from individual to individual so there is actually no single treatment that can claim to be universally effective. Here are few complementary methods that can help you to alleviate back pain.

1. Yoga
Yoga is an ancient practice that has been proved to be a great way of curing many diseases including back pain. It involves a wide range of stretching exercises that improve flexibility, strength and balance. Current treatment of lower back pain recommends staying active, and improvements in core strength and flexibility make yoga an ideal solution.

2. Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy, formerly called hydropathy, is a part of medicine, in particular of occupational therapy and physiotherapy, that involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment. it relieves back pain by loosening muscles and aiding the body in removing the toxins that cause pain and inflammation. It can involve submerging the body in hot water, steam rooms and saunas, as well as the use of wraps.It’s unlikely to be a permanent solution to back pain, but it can provide some relief in the short term.

Capsaicin Cream
 Capsaicin often used as a temporary method of pain relief and it is derived from chilli peppers. When capsaicin cream applied to the skin it starts reducing a pain transmitting neurochemical called substance P that provide pain relief to the user. 

4. Vitamin D
A study found that in a group of lower back pain sufferers, 83% were deficient in vitamin D -considerably above the average for the general population. When patients were given vitamin D supplements, 95% of subjects in the study witnessed some improvement in back pain levels.

5. Alexander Technique

The Alexander technique involves fully assessing the way you use your body and optimising your movements to protect your spine. Programs are tailored to your own unique circumstances (office workers will require different advice than construction workers) to help you take care of your back throughout the day.

The practice involves the use of fine needles inserted at certain points in the body, designed to treat a network of energy that allows nutrients to better reach parts of the body.It has shown positive effects on lower back pain for many patients, and a study has shown that it can be more effective than traditional Western medicine in treating back pain. 


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