

Benefits of walnuts!

Benefits of walnuts!

Nuts have gotten a bad rap for being too high in fat, but the truth about them is that nuts, especially walnuts, are a powerhouse of nutrition.

Contrary to what people believe, walnuts are actually good for weight management since an ounce of walnut contains 2.5g of omega 3 fats, 4g of protein and 2g of fibre that help provide satiety, Diabetic Living India magazine reported.

Any successful weight management plan must include the satiety factor; so walnut is undoubtedly the right food to consider if you are into a weight management programme. Despite being 'dense in calories, walnuts can be an important tool in helping you lose weight.

These nuts can also reduce the risk of breast cancer. Eating about 28 walnut halves a day provides antioxidants and phytosterols that may help reduce the risk of the disease.

The nuts can improve sleep, as they contain hormone melatonin, that induces sleep and helps regulate sleep. This makes walnuts a great evening or bedtime snack for improving your sleep.

Walnut is a good 'hair food' too. This is because walnut contains biotin (vitamin B7) that helps strengthen hair, reduce hair fall and improve hair growth to certain extent.

Walnut oil when applied locally helps to keep skin well protected from dryness. It is also used as "carrier or base oil" in traditional medicines in massage therapy, aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.


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