Puffy eyes are one of the most common problems.
Some of the reasons behind puffy eyes are too much crying, too much physical stress, recovering from a major surgery, genetics, dermatitis, and hormonal changes in the body, change in weather, sinus, hangovers, bad diet, and lack of sleep or some kind of allergic reaction.
Household remedies:
1.Water.The easiest way to get rid of puffy eyes is to drink water.
2.Use less salt in your cooking.
3.Get enough sleep.
4.Elevate your head when you sleep.
5.Avoid Snack on bananas and raisins, both of which alleviate fluid retention.
6.Stop smoking and alcohol
7.Treat your allergies. Be sure your house is free of dust, animal fur, and other allergens.
1. Light Massage: By lightly massaging both your upper and lower eyelids, you shove all those excess fluids away from your eyes.
1. Chilled Tea Bags.Be it green tea bags or black tea bags, both can help to soothe puffy and irritated eyes.
2.Cold Spoons.Take five to six metal spoons and place it in your refrigerator for five to ten minutes. Now take out the cold spoon and hold the rounded portion against your eye for a few minutes until the spoon becomes warm. As the spoon warms, replace it with a cold one from the refrigerator. This will help in tightening up the skin around your eyes. It will also relax the blood vessels thus offering relief to the tired eyes
3. Egg Whites.Egg whites have got skin tightening properties that can give relief to puffy eyes.
4. Milk. Dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on your eyelids and relax for 20-30 minutes.
5 Wrap an ice cube in cloth and gently dab the eyes.
If your puffy eyes are severe and persistent or are accompanied by additional symptoms, consult your doctor.
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