

Amazing Hangover Cures

5 Amazing Hangover Cures 

Hangovers are so annoying. Hangover is the nasty combo of headache, nausea and gut pain that can cost you some precious hours of your life. There are several preventive measures that you can take to avoid the hangover like plenty of water before bed, food, etc. However, inevitably you get stuck with a dirty hangover that you need to cure before it kills your day. Here are some hangover cures that you can try to ease the pain: 

1. Ginger 

Ginger is considered as a great aid for digestion issues. You can have it with sushi or ginger tea or ginger juice with water for a nausea-reducing elixir that balances your gastric fluids and keeps your system calm. It is a great antioxidant and anticoagulant but don’t consume fresh ginger on empty stomach. Mix it with something else and then consume it. 

2. Honey 

Honey is also a great antioxidant that is full of fructose and glucose. In Poland, people mix some honey with pickle juice and use it as salty handover-recovery treat. You can add some magic bee sauce too. 

3. Eggs 

Eggs contain cysteine which is an amino acid that breaks down acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a byproduct of the oxidation of ethanol. Acetaldehyde causes hangover and eggs break down the same. So you can choose to eat eggs in your breakfast to avoid your annoying hangover. 

4. Coca-cola 

The sweet nectars of coca cola can do wonders for your messed up belly. Some people say that coca-cola originally was discovered to cure hangovers. So if you have eaten too much and you want to calm down your stomach, then you can always have coca-cola. 

5. Prickly Pear 

Prickly pear is a great morning option that helps taking the edge off the hurt for desert drunks. The extract from the prickly pear cactus helps reducing nausea, dry mouth and loss of appetite. You can find prickly pear extract in different dietary supplements.



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