

Honey Makes Everything Better

Why Honey Makes Everything Better 

 Most of the honey that we find in grocery shops is pasteurized and often blended with cane sugar or corn syrup. But we should always go for unprocessed honey which is known as raw honey. Raw honey does not need pasteurization and is a great antiseptic. 

We have been using honey for its several benefits like for millennia. It contains enzymes, pollen, antioxidants and several other beneficial compounds. These compounds get vanished when they are processed. It is considered that “the darker the raw honey, the more nutritious it is”. Some of the many benefits of honey are: 

1. Relief in Allergy 

According to recent studies, it is concluded that the local honey that we get from as close as possible to where we live helps building immunity to seasonal allergies. Honey that comes from the vicinity of an allergenic plant contains tiny amount of pollen from that plant. Intake of few teaspoons of this honey on daily basis for a few months works as a vaccine and can provide relief from seasonal allergies. 

2. Digestive Aid 

Raw honey contains enzymes which help people digesting food better and thus helps treating ulcers and diarrhea. 

3. Minerals and Vitamins 

Raw honey is full of vitamins and minerals. 1 ounce of raw honey if typically served contains small quantity of folate as well as vitamins C, B2, B6, B5, and B3. Minerals including calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc are also found in raw honey. 

4. Skin Care and Wound 

Honey contains anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties which are used by medical professionals to cure wounds, acne and several other skin conditions including burn. 

5. Cough Suppressant 

Honey is used to treat upper respiratory infections too. As per a study, raw honey works better than any over-the-counter cough treatment. It is to be noted that honey should not be given to a child under the age of 12 months. 

 6. Blood Sugar Regulation 

Some researchers believe that honey’s exact combination of fructose and glucose helps in better regulation of blood sugar level. Though it contains simple sugars, it does not affect the body as white sugar or sweeteners do. 

7. Cancer Fighting Components 

Raw honey contains some cancer fighting antioxidants which pasteurized honey does not contain.


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