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Ginger destroys cancer
Ginger destroys cancer more effectively than death-linked cancer drugs
Ginger, a cousin spice of super anti-cancer substance turmeric, is known for its ability to shrink tumors.
Astoundingly, it is even more effective than many cancer drugs, which
have been shown to be completely ineffective and actually accelerate the
death of cancer patients. Commonly consumed across the world in small
doses among food and beverage products, the medicinal properties of
ginger far surpass even advanced pharmaceutical inventions.
The subject of one study
based out of Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was
revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in mice. The
anticancer properties were observed in addition to ginger’s role in
reducing inflammation as well as being a rich source of life-enhancing
antioxidants. But what about cancer drugs? Could this simple spice
really topple the advanced pharmaceuticals that are often touted as the
‘only option’ for cancer patients by medical doctors?
It turns out that cancer drugs are not only severely ineffective at
permanently shrinking tumors, but they actually make tumors larger and
kill the patient more quickly. More specifically, the tumors have been
found to ‘metasize’, meaning they come back bigger and more stronger
than their original size. What’s more, the ‘metasizing’ was found to be
very aggressive. According to scientists Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center in Boston, the premium priced drugs were little more than death
sentences for many patients.
“Whatever manipulations we’re doing to tumors can inadvertently
do something to increase the tumor numbers to become more metastatic,
which is what kills patients at the end of the day,” said study author
Dr. Raghu Kalluri.
These are the very drugs considered to be the scientifically proven solution by mainstream health officials.
Meanwhile, ginger presents virtually no side effects and has been used
as a food product by many cultures for countless centuries. Instead of
creating super tumors, whole ginger extract was shown to exert
significant growth-inhibiting and death-introductory effects in a spectrum
of prostate cancer cells. Over 17 other studies have also reached
similar conclusions on ginger’s anticancer benefits, with the spice
being shown by peer-reviewed research to positively impact beyond 101
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