

cellulite-busting foods

Suffering from bumpy “orange peel” skin on your legs, butt or tummy? You're not alone – cellulite affects over 90 per cent of post-adolescent women. While there is no quick – or definite – cure for cellulite, by addressing its fundamental causes through your diet you can greatly reduce its appearance and pave the way for smoother skin. Here are our top 10 foods for giving cellulite the heave-ho.

Cellulite-busting food : Berries

To help keep skin firm and taut and disguise the appearance of cellulite, try adding some vitamin C to your diet to help boost your skin's collagen levels. Berries are a particularly good source of vitamin C, as well as being extremely high in the antioxidants necessary for fighting toxic waste, which can slow down the lymphatic system and accumulate in cellulite-prone areas.


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