

Dark circles around your eyes

                                                       Dark circles around your eyes???...

Not to worry…..

Some Home made  Tips How to Treat Dark Eye Circles~

1.Apply peeled and grated raw potato to your eyes at least three times per week. Leave the potatoes on your eyes overnight if possible.

2.Soak cotton balls in cucumber juice or slice a fresh cucumber and apply them to your eyes. Leave them on for 15 minutes for a relaxing treatment that helps reduce dark eye circles.

3.Massage almond oil into the skin surrounding your eyes at bedtime. Try this for two weeks to see results.

4.Practice pranayama, which is a controlled breathing exercise. Try this everyday for at least five minutes to reduce stress. Visit the Yoga website for information on how to practice pranayama.

5.Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated can help reduce dark eye circles.

6.Eat a healthful diet containing fresh fruits and vegetables.

7.Get plenty of restful sleep.


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