10 Common Nutrition Myths and Misconceptions
The most common misconception about nutrition is that we actually know a lot about nutrition.
Fact: no-one
studies healthy nutrition and diet in a serious, scientific fashion. We
have lots of theories, lots of errors, lots of contradictions, but
little true scientific testing in search of truth.
Virtually all of the scientific research
into nutrition is ‘illness based’, not healthiness based. This bias
creates a lot of knowledge about specific diseases but little
understanding of health. When we research ‘illness’, we search for
specific causes and specific cures.
Did you ever wonder why everything seems
to be bad for you, and almost everything seems to be good for you as
well? This is a result of researching illness and ignoring healthiness.
Illnesses are ‘specific’. Healthiness is general. Lessons learned by
studying illness are poor teachers when trying to attain healthiness.
As a result, we have many theories about
nutrition that are repeated over and over, but are simply, clearly
wrong. Others are simply myths.
[I distinguish between myths and wrong
ideas in this article – although I suspect I have not done so in
previous articles. Although many people use the word myth to describe
‘wrong ideas’, I will use the word Myth for ideas that are widely believed, but not proven, and Error for ideas that have been proven wrong].
Some of these theories include:
1. Error: ”Calories in = calories out“.
The truth – poo burns. Normally, it
contains about 20 percent fats, but we don’t have much research into how
eating more, or less fat changes that ratio. Poo contains calories. So
does sebum. So does urine if you are diabetic. Both contain more if you
have specific illnesses or if you consume specific diets. Calories in =
calories out math simply doesn’t work. If we use it to estimate the
weight based on averages in calorie consumption increases in the past
two decades, the average weight would be about 900 pounds.
This Error is often stated differently: “Cutting calories will cause weight loss”.
Experiments have clearly shown that cutting calories, but consuming the
wrong foods (eg. high in carbs) will continue to increase obesity.
Cutting back on the wrong foods does not make a difference to a poor
diet. Unfortunately, figuring out what are ‘the right foods for you’ can
be a huge challenge.
2. Myth: “Vegetarianism is a healthy diet”.
Vegetarianism is an ethical diet,
marketed as a healthy diet. It has been studied (a bit) to determine
what illnesses might result, and what illnesses might benefit, but it
has not been studied from a healthiness perspective. It is very easy for
someone who is not a vegetarian to switch to vegetarianism and choose a
very unhealthy diet without realizing it.
At the same time, there has been little
study of an all meat diet, because it is not seen as an ethical diet.
There have been some studies which found an all meat diet can also
decrease illness and may improve healthiness in specific cases. But the
studies are so few and so limited that, as most studies conclude, “more
study is required”.
3. Myth: “Breakfast is the most important meal”.
There is no significant evidence to
support this, nor any other eating pattern for optimal healthiness. Of
course it can always be said that breakfast is the most important meal –
when we recognize that every meal ‘breaks the previous fast’, even if
our lunch or dinner is actually our ‘breakfast’. For some people,
breakfast is essential to get started, for others, breakfast can easily
be left aside until lunchtime or later. Nobody has attempted to measure
which of those ‘types’ are healthiest, nor if their healthiness is
caused by their eating patterns.
We don’t scientifically test eating
times and their effects on healthiness. Hospitals provide food ‘when it
is convenient’, not on a schedule to improve or maximize healing or
healthiness. When we truly know which eating patterns were healthiest,
hospitals will want to know, and senior’s homes might need to change
their schedules. It may well turn out that simple eating plans are not
as healthy as more complex, diverse eating plans.
4. Myth: “Drink eight glasses of water a day for health”.
Where did this myth come from? You might find the answer here “The mysterious origins of the “8 glasses of water a day” rule“, where the author reports:
“The origins of the “8 glasses of
water a day” rule was explored by Dr. Heinz Valtin in a 2002 article and
Dr. Tsindos in a 2012 article. After extensive searches of the
published literature, they found absolutely no scientific evidence for
the idea that most people need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a
How much water should you drink? At the
very least, you should listen to your body and let it decide. If you are
suffering a headache – the morning after – you are probably suffering
from dehydration as your body tried to remove toxins by urinating. Drink
some water.
5. Myth: “Vitamins are dangerous”.
More people die from drinking too much
water than from taking too many vitamins. Vitamins are called vitamins
because they are essential to health. But then it gets complicated –
really complicated. All vitamins are studied in isolation – studies of
combinations are much more difficult. Scientific studies of vitamins are
tested against illness – to determine if they cause, or cure illness.
Many nutritional studies were designed to ensure that prisoners don’t
get sick.
There are no vitamin studies that test
changes in ‘healthiness’. Because of the focus on illness, much vitamin
research is ignored. For example, a deficiency of Vitamin C results in
scurvy (in theory) – but this research ignores that fact that a diet of
meats alone does not result in scurvy, even though the Vitamin C
consumed is much less than required to prevent scurvy on a carb diet.
Many so called ‘vitamins’ are actually
chemicals created to ‘act like’ natural vitamins – and these are poorly
studied with regards to healthiness and illness. It is certainly
possible that some of these vitamins are dangerous.
When we are truly interested in learning
about healthiness of vitamins and minerals, we will study which vitamin
combinations improve healthiness the most – and study their
relationships to different dietary regimens.
6. Myth: “Lean meats are good for your heart”.
There is no scientific evidence that
lean meats are healthier than fatty meats. The same goes for other low
fat foods (milk and cheese). If anything, the science demonstrates the
opposite. The ‘avoid fat’ concept is simply a misunderstanding on how
fat is created in our bodies – fat is created from sugars.
The lean meat myth was created by the
American Heart Association, and is actively maintained by them in full
view of much scientific evidence to the contrary. It has become
fundamental to their fundraising operations – and it is unlikely they
can change without losing a lot of face – and possibly a lot of money.
Most people who restrict themselves to
‘lean meats’ compensate with high glycemic foods like bread, pasta, and
sugar. These foods are far worse for your heart and circulatory system
than fatty foods.
7. Error: “Fiber is an essential nutrient for health”.
Fiber is not an essential nutrient – in
fact, it is not even a nutrient. It is likely that fiber is important
for specific dietary regimes, or specific purposes, but is completely
useless in other diets. We simply don’t know and there is little
scientific research that tests the fiber theories across different
diets. Fiber is typically suggested to resolve illnesses that cannot be
clearly diagnosed, not to improve healthiness.
8. Error: “You need to consume sugar for your brain to function”.
This is a misconception that is proved
wrong by the simple act of fasting. Your blood supply runs out of
dietary sugar in less than a day. Your brain has no problem functioning
for weeks.
9. Error: “Fasting is unhealthy”.
Short term fasts are prescribed for
blood tests etc., but many doctors claim that fasting is unhealthy or
simply does not enhance healthiness. The simple truth is that we don’t
test overall healthiness, we don’t measure overall healthiness, and we
don’t know the facts about fasting either. Sleeping, frankly is fasting.
And it’s healthy.
You might wonder how long someone can
fast ‘safely’? The answer is simply, ‘it depends’. There are different
types of fasts, and different people. If you ask Google, you might think
that the longest fast is just over 40 days. But no. Here is a scientific report of a therapeutic fast that lasted 382 days.
The patient started at over 400 pounds and emerged a healthy weight of
180 pounds. Fasting can be unhealthy – so can crossing the street.
10. Myth: “Toxins in foods are not at levels dangerous to your health”.
Many foods contain toxins. We know this.
Many foods contain ‘natural toxins’ that the plants develop to fight
insects. What the toxins do to our bodies, whether they build up or are
excreted is poorly studied.
Toxins come in many forms and might be natural, coming from nature, or unnatural, created by man. Many GMO ‘foods‘
contain designer toxins. So do most patented medicines. Every day, more
chemicals are created and used on foods and in our environment.
Studies of toxins are extremely weak. We don’t even have scientific agreement on simple questions like ‘Is fluoridated water healthy or unhealthy?’
We have many studies on the toxicity of fluoride and very few studies
that suggest it may prevent dental caries. But no studies on healthiness
of fluoride. However, in many communities fluoride is routinely added
to drinking water.
a) Simple rules are not so simple, and
often not accurate. Take all advice with a grain of salt – I recommend
natural salt. But I also recommend that you make your own decisions.
b) Studying illness to create healthiness is a poor choice, resulting in many simple errors.
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