

Interesting Beauty and Health Benefits of Jamun

Interesting Beauty and Health Benefits of Jamun

With the onset of rains, come the much loved jamuns. This Indian blackberry has a unique astringent taste. Popularly known as the black plum, the fruit has several beauty benefits to offer. Also, the fruit has medicinal properties, which can treat several ailments. From curing acne and dark spots to indigestion, it does it all. So, take a look at a few beauty and health benefits of this super fruit. 
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Treats acne

Jamun seeds are the best remedy to treat acne. For this, grind some dry jamun seeds and add some cow milk to it. Mix it well. Apply this paste on your pimples before going to bed. Wash it off the next morning. Remember, your pimples cannot be treated overnight; results will only show over a period of time. So, make sure you apply it regularly for better results. Alternatively, you can prepare another concoction of jamun seed powder, orange powder, a few drops of almond oil, red lentil powder (masoor dal) and rose water. Apply this paste on your entire face. Rinse with cold water after 15 minutes.
Treats oily skin

Jamun can also work wonders for people with oily skin, beause of its astringent properties. Prepare a face mask using jamun pulp, barley flour, amla juice and rose water. Apply this pack evenly on your face and rinse it off once it dries off. A regular application of it will control your skin's oil secretion levels.
Lightens dark spots

Have you stopped stepping out of your house due to dark spots and pigmented skin? Well, no more! Take a look at another jamun pack that will treat your ugly marks. For this, mix jamun seed powder, lemon powder and gram flour (besan). Add a few drops of almond oil and rose water to this dry mixture. Make a paste out of it. Apply it on your face, and let it stay till it dries off completely. Wash it off with cold water. Follow this routine for at least a month, and you will surely see promising results.

Makes you beautiful

Jamun is a rich source of iron. It is this iron content which purifies your blood, thereby keeping your skin clean and beautiful. Also, the iron in it helps in increasing the haemoglobin. The fruit is known to cure menstrual problems as well. It is so because the iron content makes up for the blood loss, thus keeping women healthy.
Cures spongy gums and bad breath

Jamun leaves have anti-bacterial properties and are used for making medicines for strengthening of the teeth and gums. In fact, the ash of its leaves is one of the essential ingredients in tooth powders (manjan) and is effective in treating spongy gums. Ash of jamun leaves (powder obtained after drying and burning them) mixed with an equal amount of ash of hard almond shell makes an excellent manjan. Its regular use strengthens teeth by checking gum infection and bleeding. A little peppermint added to this manjan can cure bad breath as well.
Treats diabetes

Undoubtedly jamun is one of the best fruits for diabetic patients. Jamun seeds (dried and powdered) contain a glucose called jamboline, which has the ability to control the conversion of starch into sugar. It is also helps in reducing the quantity of sugar in urine. A diabetic patient should have 1 teaspoon of this powder twice in a day (morning and evening).
Cures indigestion

This purple fruit has a special mention in traditional streams of medicines, namely Ayurveda and Unani. It is used to treat digestive disorders, including diarrhoea, dysentery and dyspepsia. If you experience digestive problems, then you should drink jamun juice, or have jamun pulp mixed with curd.



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