

10 Simple Ways to Cut Carbs from Your Diet

10 Simple Ways to Cut Crabs from Your Diet

Carbohydrates (carbs) can be found in almost everything that you eat, like bread, rice, pasta, soft drinks, dairy products and even vegetables! But, do you know that not all carbs are good for your body? Carbs that are refined, processed or filled with sugar make it difficult for you to lose weight. However, all is not lost yet. A study by University of Alabama revealed that even if you decrease your carb intake moderately, you can still lose your body fat efficiently. The study showed that a low-carb diet led to 4% greater weight loss of total body fat. So, let us tell you about different types of carbohydrates and 10 ways of reducing the harmful ones from your diet.
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Type of Carbs

Simple carbs, also known as simple sugars, provide the body with instant energy. The body quickly digests and absorbs them. They are found in anything from refined sugar and sweets to fruits and dairy products. Some simple carbs have absolutely no nutritional value and they tend to increase the fat levels in the body.
Complex carbs, take a longer time to digest and release energy at a slower pace. They are the fuel for the body. Complex foods (unprocessed ones) are rich in minerals, fibres and vitamins.
Go for fresh fruit juices

The innocent looking juice box that you just bought is actually packed with harmful carbs. Most companies add artificial sweeteners in the juices. So, instead of putting unhealthy simple carbs in your body, just make your own fresh juice at home. You should also avoid sports or energy drinks, which contain sodium and processed ingredients. Always read the information chart carefully and check the number of calories you are consuming. (Also read on 12 Healthy Foods that You Should Never Eat Again)
Salad dressing and side portions

Whenever you walk into a restaurant, you will be tempted with various side dishes like fries, tacos, salad with dressing, and so on. But these side dishes are full of unhealthy carbs, which instead of satiating your hunger will end up adding more fat in your body. Salad dips, sauces and dressings often are high in calories, too. So, avoid them whenever possible.
Healthy sandwiches

While making a sandwich, always use multi-grain bread. Another alternative would be to ditch the bread completely and substitute it with lettuce leaves. Fill up the lettuce leaves with delicious fillings like chicken and low fat cheese or stir-fried vegetables and eggs.
Go brown

Start eating unpolished brown rice, instead of processed white rice. Leave the white bread out of your shopping list, in favour of brown or multi-grain bread. Also, instead of buying cornflakes, opt for muesli or oats.
Healthier chapatti

Though chapattis are healthy, as they are made up of wheat, you can make your chapattis even healthier. Add bajrajowar, soybean or oats flour to the wheat flour. You can also ask opt for multigrain atta by adding all of these in small quantities.
Understand the fruits

Fruits like mango, banana and grapes contain a lot of simple sugars, which add unnecessary calories in your body. While you should not avoid them completely, but if you are trying to lose weight then you should reduce their intake. You should opt for fruits that are rich in fibre like guava, pomegranate, oranges and apples. Also, avoid peeling the skin of your fruit off.
Low-carb dairy products

Though dairy products are a rich source of calcium and protein, they contain lot of carbohydrates, too. Always try to substitute your cheese with cottage cheese. Also, instead of adding full cream or double toned milk, to your shakes and smoothies, you can opt for soy or almond milk.
Stay away from starchy vegetables

Potatoes, peas and corns are favourite vegetables of majority of the people, but they contain lots of carbohydrates as well. Most of these carbs are not good for your body, especially if consumed in large quantities. That is why; you must opt for non-starchy vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, etc. that are healthier for you.
Add proteins and fats in your diet

Add proteins in your meal, to effectively reduce carbs. Include eggs, lean meat and fish in your diet. Also add healthy and good fats in your diet, like almonds, avocados, olives, etc.
Go for small portions

If you are feeling tempted for chips, cookies or some other snack, never buy a family pack. These products are full of refined flour, salt, oil and sugar, which are not good for your body. Even if you eat half of the packet then the other half is definitely going to tempt you soon. So, it is better to go for smaller quantities, if you have to pick up something at all.

So, make these smart health swaps and start reducing carbohydrates from your diet to lose weight!


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