

Home Remedies For Gastric Trouble

Home Remedies For Gastric Trouble
Are you embarrassing by gastric problems?gastric problem is not a disease,but it is a kind of health problem that is an outcome of other disorders.This problem can be embarrassing and annoying too.
Gastric trouble can be caused due to various reasons:

Excessive intake of alcohol
Consuming spicy food
A substance such as salt or ketchup having frequently and in large quantity
Bacterial infection and digestive disorders
Symptoms of gastric trouble are:

white tongue
Abdominal bloating
Emitting gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth
Stomach pain
No need to bother about these problems,as this condition can be treated simply at home by using home remedies.
Home remedies for Gastric trouble:

1.Baking soda & lemon juice:
Put the juice of fresh lemon in a glass and add baking soda to it.finally add cup of water and stir properly.drink these slowly and soon you will get relief.For instant relief add baking soda in 1 cup of water drink it in the morning on empty stomach.


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