

Unusual Uses Of Toothpaste

Unusual Uses Of Toothpaste 

Toothpaste can be of many uses other than using it just for brushing your teeth. It has got several benefits and it can substitute many other things in your life. It is easily available and everyone has it in his/her house. It can fix your problems in no time. Here are some unusual uses of toothpaste: 

1. Deodorize baby bottles 

Baby bottles get the sour milk smell after some time. You can get rid of this tacky smell by using your toothpaste. Just scrub the bottle with some toothpaste and rinse it thoroughly. 

2. Remove Scuffs from shoes 

Your toothpaste can do wonders when it comes to removing the scuff from your shoes. You just have to rub some toothpaste on the scuffed area of your shoes with a soft cloth. Then wipe it off with a wet cloth and get the new and fresh look of your leather shoes. 

3. Prevent Fogged goggles 

Nothing can be more annoying and dangerous than fogged goggles when you are going to do diving or skiing. Prevent your goggles with the fog by just coating your goggles with toothpaste and then wiping it off. 

4. Clean your furniture and sink 

To get rid of those ring marks of water or tea that we get from sweating cups or glasses you can rub some non-gel paste on your furniture and rub it with a soft cloth. Then wipe it off with a damp cloth and leave it for some time to dry before polishing it. You can also use your toothpaste to clean your sink. Squirt some paste in your sink and rub it with a sponge. The toothpaste will clean your sink as well as the odours in the drain trap. 

5. Remove lipstick or ink stains 

f you want to remove the stains of lipstick and ink from your favourite attire then just put some gel-toothpaste on the stain and rub the fabric together. This will make the ink come out and you can repeat the step to completely get rid of the mark. It works so well. The same goes for lipstick marks. 

6. Remove Hand odor 

Toothpaste works so well in removing the odour from your hands. Just like you brush your teeth to get the fresh smell, the same way when you have gotten into something stinky just wash your hands with your toothpaste and you can get the fresh smell back. 

7. Remove crayons from walls 

Kids often start showing their creativity on the walls. Now get rid of those crayons’ marks by just squirting some gel based toothpaste on the wall and scrubbing it with your scrubber. The abrasive of your toothpaste will remove away the marks. Wash your wall with water.



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