

Healing properties of the humble neem

Healing properties of the humble neem

 Neem is available throughout the year and the Ayurveda’s text describes it as the ‘sarva roga nivarini’ (the herb that keeps diseases at bay).

What is Neem?
Neem is a mahogany tree belonging to the family Meliaceae. It is mostly found in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Pakistan. It is known for its medicinal properties and has been a large part of Ayurvedic medicines for centuries.

Health benefits of Neem
1. Neem is packed with anti-bacterial properties. For centuries it has been used in treating chickenpox and small pox. Make a paste of neem leaves and apply it on the person’s body. It stops itching and provides relief.
2. Neem oil can be used as a natural pesticide/insecticide. Mix a few drops of neem oil into one litre of water and liquid soap, stir the solution and its ready to use. Also, the solution will just repel the insects away instead of killing them. It’s organic and non-toxic!
3. Studies have shown that consuming leaf extract can reduce insulin requirements for non-insulin dependent diabetics without any effect on blood sugar levels.
4. A paste made of dried neem leaves powder and water is excellent for itchy scalp and dandruff problems. Apply the paste on your scalp, leave it for an hour and shampoo your hair as usual.

5. Neem oil is an excellent remedy for cough, wheezing and bronchitis. To begin with, consume three drops of neem oil every day for a week, increase the dosage to four drops, and then to five drops daily. Neem oil helps prevent congestion in the chest and soothes your lungs.
6. Neem twigs can double up as a toothbrush. It has been used for centuries to whiten teeth as well as keep cavities, plaque and bad breath away. So you can have a new brush every day!
7. Neem leaves can help you cleanse your blood and in turn make your skin glow. Chew on two or three neem leaves every day first thing in the morning. This practice not just improves your blood circulation but also prevents hormonal imbalance.
8. Neem oil is an excellent source of vitamin E.  Applying neem oil to your face every night can help rejuvenate skin cells and retain elasticity


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