Children need a wide variety of foods for a well-balanced diet.
Breakfast is important:
-A bowl of cereal with milk and fresh or stewed fruit is a great starter.
-Scrambled Eggs
-Whole Grain Pancakes with nut butter
-Fruit smoothies
-Dosas,Upma,Sandwiches or Vegetable noodles..
Lunch box suggestions include:
•Sandwiches or pita bread with cheese, lean meat, hummus and salad
•Cheese slices, crackers with spread, and fresh or dried fruits
•Washed and cut up raw vegetables or fresh fruits
•Frozen water bottle or tetra pack of milk, particularly in hot weather.
The occasional lolly, bag of chips or takeaway food doesn’t do any harm,but If they are eaten too often, you might find that,Children become overweight or obese.
Children should be encouraged to drink plain water. A glass of milk (or a tub of yoghurt or slice of cheese) equals a serve of dairy food. Three serves are needed each day for calcium.
Meals should include
•high-quality meat, poultry or oily fish
•at least 2 portions of fruit and vegetables with every meal
•bread, other cereals and potatoes
•Processed meats such as salami, ham, pressed chicken and Strasbourg
•Chips, sweet biscuits, and muesli bars and breakfast bars
•Fruit bars and fruit straps
•Cordials, juices and soft drinks.
Things to remember:
Snacks are an important part of a healthy diet for active children, so offer nutritious as well as high energy snacks.
•Allow talk and sharing of daytime activities.
•Avoid distractions such as the television, radio or the telephone during meals.
•Let your child decide when they are full – don’t argue about food.
•Allow children to help with preparing meals and shopping.
•Teach some simple nutrition facts such as ‘milk keeps your bones strong’.
•Encourage physical activities.
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