



This can result from a variety of causes such as loud sounds, the common cold, an ear infection, wax in the ear, blockage in the nasal passage, physical damage to the inside of the ear, an increase in air pressure and so on.

Earaches occur more commonly among small children than adults.

There are some household tips for relief of earaches

1)Apply a warm compress over the painful ear.] Heat can bring quick pain relief.

2)Wiggle the child's ear gently. wiggling can cause the Eustacian tubes to pop, relieving pressure and allowing fluids trapped in the canal to drain.

3)Prepare a steam inhalation by adding several drops of Eucalyptus essential oil or a teaspoon of Vicks to nearly boiling water in a bowl. Place a towel over your head and inhale the steam. This will help to open the Eustachian tubes, easing pressure and help to drain the fluids from the ear

4)To alleviate pain, place a few drops of warm olive oil in the ear. Olive oil serves as a lubricant and helps get rid of an infection in the ear.

5)Use garlic oil and mullein flower oil can as an alternative to olive oil, either in combination or on their own.They are reputed to help to fight disease-causing microbes and reduce inflammation. Place a few drops of oil in the ear twice a day.

6)If the outer ear appears irritated, lavender oil rubbed in gently can be very soothing.(only to the outside of the ear.)

7) Avoid the most common allergenic foods: wheat, dairy products, corn, oranges, peanut butter, and all simple carbohydrates, including sugar, fruits, and fruit juices.

8)If symptoms persist , the child is under 8 weeks old, has developed signs of a fever,or if the pain is due to some physical damage then see an ENT doctor immediately.


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